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Find out how acupuncture can assist you stop abusing alcohol and relieve pain


Seek other alternative therapies for support in becoming free from alcohol. To help ease  anxiety and depression that is experienced by liquor abusers consider trying acupuncture.  Addiction could cause the energy flow in your body to become imbalanced and acupuncture can regulate this once again. After undergoing acupuncture your mind is better prepared to confront some of  factors that led to your addiction.  This ancient science of acupuncture has earned widespread respect as an effective treatment for alcohol and drug addiction.  Some detox centers provide a form of ear acupuncture called auriculotherapy for the treatment of drug addiction. Treatment usually consists of several months of acupuncture sessions along with counseling (best ways to stop drinking liquor).     Another benefit of acupuncture is that it reduces anxiety and agitation while facilitating calm and receptive behavior. Traditional Chinese physicians and even a few medical doctors that provide acupuncture will be licensed health care providers  Serious adverse events from acupuncture are exceedingly rare and are usually associated with poorly trained or unlicensed acupuncturists.


You CAN overcome liquor abuse and quit drinking liquor with a little organization


Reflect candidly on your situation and realize that liquor has become a burden. Understand that it will be a hard passage into sober living and toughen your resolve. Pick out a significant date to quit and commemorate it as a special day in your journey. Formulate a plan or to discontinue your drinking lifestyle and write it down. Let friends and family members and co-workers know that you’re trying to stop drinking. Be upfront about your new limits with others and let them know how they could help you to be successful (stop drinking fast). Surround yourself with positive influences and people who make you feel good about yourself. Recognize that you are precious person and worth  difficult change. If you have questions about addiction you could find the answers you are looking for when you call alcoholism hotline. Prepare yourself for the mental and physical difficulties you may face and realize that it will get easier with time.

Stop Drinking Fast - Uncover Tactics To Stop Consuming Liquor Quickly

Women for Sobriety is a non-profit secular addiction recovery group for women with alcohol problems or liquor dependence. When Jean Kirkpatrick formed WFS it was with the specific needs of alcoholic in mind. You should be able to find a WFS group easily as there exist more than 200 WFS support groups all over the world. While WFS is for women only it is not considered an anti-male or anti-AA organization. WFS is similar to AA in that it encourages meditation and spirituality but sobriety is not viewed as dependent on a Higher Power. The psychological needs of female alcoholics are different than for males as women tend to suffer more from low self-confidence (stop drinking alcohol). WFS encourages positive thinking and discourages negative thinking to increase  self-esteem of an alcoholic. WFS teaches its members that they have the power to change their thinking and consequently to change their actions. Newcomers to WFS are encouraged to take pride in their accomplishments regardless of how small those may be. Like AA they have weekly meetings in small groups of 6-10 women along with a structured format for confidential discussion.


Assess your situation regularly as you give up consuming beer in order to succeed


In your plan to stop drinking identify when you will evaluate your progress. Try a plan for 30 days so that  new behavior becomes a habit. If you are feeling weak or tempted to drink again reexamine  reasons you discontinued that way of life. Another important step in attaining your objective is to keep track of your drinking habits with a journal. Keep track of how many drinks you have a week or every time you have  urge to drink. By having a diary you will be able to see the patterns in your drinking habit. Examine how different your goal is from the amount you drink now. Learn from  past and how to identify situations in which you did not drink or you limited your drinking. Don’t be surprised if  record keeping of your drinking moves you toward moderation. Although self-monitoring may appear time consuming keeping records of certain activities is not unusual.

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